
       1998年在日本国鹿儿岛大学获得农学博士学位。1998年至2000年受聘于日本国Tanishow食品开发研究所研究员。2001年至2007年受聘于上海光明乳业股份有限公司,历任研发部经理、生产技术总监和总工程师等职务。2007年7月调入上海交通大学农业与生物学院食品科学与工程系。主要从事乳品加工生产工艺技术和新产品开发、乳品生产和消费安全体系的研究以及食品安全教育培训工作。先后承担了留学归国人员基金项目、国家“863”项目、上海市科委国际交流合作等项目的研究。2000年以来在在国际乳业联合会(IDF)刊,中国乳制品工业,International Union of Food Science and Technology Newsletter,  Journal of Dairy Science and Technology等国内外学术刊物上发表研究论文20余篇。主持和参加制定国家、行业和企业技术标准10多项。近2年先后多次为光明乳业、雀巢在华工厂、二十一世纪联华超市举办食品安全师培训班、为食品企业举办HACCP培训班。《乳业科学与技术》杂志(JN 04-026) 、《农产食品科技》杂志(ISSN 1671-5187)的 编辑委员。兼任中国食品科学会儿童食品专业学会理事;中国畜产品加工研究会乳制品专业委员会委员。 

1. Shaohui Zhang: The Safety Management of Dairy Industry in China, Proceedings of IDF 27th International Congress and Would Dairy Summit, Shanghai, Oct. 2006
2. WANG Yinyu, ZHANG Shaohui: Application of microfiltration of ceramic membrane to the production of ESL milk, China Dairy Industry, Vol. 32, No. 11, p18-20, 2004
3.ZHANG Shaohui, Safety and Solution of Dairy Products, International Union of Food Science and Technology Newsletter, March / April, No. 54, p2-5, 2005
4.ZHANG Shaohui, QIAN Zhao, LI Cunrui and TIAN Lei: Studies on the standardization and Application Program of Raw Milk, Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, Vol. 102, No. 1, p1-5, 2003
5.ZHANG Shaohui , MO Beihong, TIAN Lei: Studies on the Changes of Viscosity During the Manufacturing of Stirred Yoghurt, China Dairy Industry, Vol. 30, No. 1, p31-35, 2002
6.Shaohui Zhang, Takahiro Ihara and Tomio Ohashi: Effects of Reaction Time on the Saccharide Constituents and Contents of Whey Syrup Prepared by Immobilized Beta-Galactosidase, Proceedings Kumamoto Technology Congress, Japan, No.14:  p14306-14307, 2000.
7.Shaohui Zhang, Kiyohisa Imada and Tomio Ohashi: Preparation of Whey Syrup by Immobilized Beta-Galactosidase. Food Science and Technology, International, Tokyo, Vol. 4, No. 1: p36-39, 1998
8.Shaohui Zhang, Kimiko Tanabe and Tomio Ohashi: Saccharine Constituents and Contents of Whey Syrup Preparation by Immobilized Beta-Galactosidase. Animal Science and Technology. Vol. 68, No. 12: p1141-1145, 1997
9.Shaohui Zhang, Daodong Pan and Tomio Ohashi: Stimulatory Effect of Whey Syrup on Growth of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Lactic Acid Fermentation. Milk Science, Japan, Vol. 46, No. 3 p183-188, 1997
10.Shaohui Zhang and Tomio Ohashi: Studies on the Optical Rotation of Whey Syrup Prepared by Immobilized Beta-Galactosidase. Food Science and Technology, International, Tokyo. Vol. 3, No. 3/4, p370-372, 1997
11.Daodong Pan, Shaohui Zhang, Hua Li and Tomio Ohashi: Effect of Tremella Fuciformis Berkeley Polysaccharide on Lactic Acid Bacteria Growth and Lactic Acid Fermentation. Journal of Animal Science, Japan, Vol. 46, No. 2: p50-54, 1997
13.Shaohui Zhang and Tomio Ohashi: Studies on the Physical Properties of Lactose Syrup Prepared With Immobilized Beta-galactosidase. Proceedings of The 8th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Vol. 2: p98-101, 1996
3.城市猪肉产品保障安全供给关键共性技术研究子课题——生猪产品食用安全保障中HACCP体系、风险评估及预警体系的应用研究,上海市科委重大科技攻关项目,2007. 9-2010.8 
E-mail:shaohuizhang@sjtu.edu.cn        Phone:021-34205747

版权所有: 上海交通大学陆伯勋食品安全研究中心