
发表时间:2020-01-09 阅读次数:1922次

Innovative food coatings for improving productivity, storability and processing quality of fruit crops

报告人:赵艳云  教授        

时  间:2020年1月15日(周三)9:30-10:30

地  点:农业与生物学院B楼104会议室


Dr. Yanyun Zhao is a Professor in the Department of Food Science & Technology, Oregon State University (OSU). Dr. Zhao’s research effort is in the area of value-added food processing by utilization of novel food processing and packaging techniques, and development of value-added applications of food and agricultural byproducts. Dr. Zhao is an internationally prominent researcher in developing new knowledge and applications for edible food coatings and packaging and value-added utilization of plant-oriented food processing byproducts. Her patented coating technology has made significant breakthrough in overcoming the barriers of existing coating products, and broaden the application from field production to postharvest storage and processing of fruit for improving productivity and reducing food waste. Dr. Zhao has generated over 150 peer-reviewed journal publications, 21 book chapters, and 5 granted patents, edited 2 books, and provided over 50 workshops/short-courses to the food industry. Dr. Zhao is an elected IFT (Institute of Food Technologists) Fellow (2012), and a current member of IFT Board of Directors. Dr. Zhao received many awards, such as the first (inaugural) OSU Women in Breaking Barriers in Research Award (2018), OnPoint Outstanding Faculty Award for recognizing her educational excellence in inspiring enthusiasm, creativity, and passion in her students (2018), and OSU Agricultural Research Foundation Distinguished Faculty Award (2016).


版权所有: 上海交通大学陆伯勋食品安全研究中心