
发表时间:2016-07-12 阅读次数:2398次
报告题目: Polymers, Lubricants, Phase Change Materials,   
                 Waxes and High Value Chemicals from  Vegetable
                 Oils: Chemistry and Material Properties
报告人:   Professor Suresh Narine
报告时间: 7月15日 9:30-11:00
报告地点: 农业与生物学院0-102会议室
邀请单位: 陆伯勋食品安全研究中心 & 食品加工与包装团队
Professor Suresh Narine, named in 2011 as one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 Leaders, is Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Chemistry at Trent University; he also is the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Chair in Lipid Derived Biomaterials, the Ontario Research Chair in Green Chemistry and Engineering and the Director of the Trent Centre for Biomaterials Research. His work focuses on the creation of petrochemical replacements for pharmaceuticals, lubricants, polymers, adhesives, and high-value materials from vegetable oils. He is the author of nearly 200 peer reviewed publications and more than 30 patents.
The replacement of petrochemical feedstock with renewable carbon is a pivotally important aspect of the transformation to a climate-neutral, environmentally sound economy.  In this effort, the use of vegetable oils such as canola, soy, palm and others as chemical substrates which are abundant and offer facile means for chemical transformation to produce monomers for polymers, lubricants, waxes, phase change materials and other high values chemicals has gained prominence.  This talk will dicuss chemical transformation strategies, structure-funtion relationships, and a biorefinery approach to the utilization of lipids from vegetable oils as petrochemical replacements.  The importantce of fundamental understanding of the physico-chemical functionality of specific structures and the use of cross and self metathesis as disruptive technology for the creation of a variety of useful structures will be discussed.  Specific examples of commercially relevant phase change materials, polymers, waxes, lubricants and high value food feedstock will be examined.

版权所有: 上海交通大学陆伯勋食品安全研究中心