Xiaomin Yao


Xiaoming Yao, PhD, Associate Professor. Born in March 1968, Dr. Yao got her Ph.D. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From Oct 2007 to June 2009, she had been as a visiting scholar at Eastern Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS.


Her research direction is Food Safety and Function Food. She has presided or taken part in over 10 national and international research items. She has published 25 research papers (2 papers were SCI included). She is also chief-editor of the food monograph “Fast Food” and one editor of the  food monograph “Food Toxicology”.

She has taken part in inventing 3 patents. 

E-mail: yaoxiaomin08@gmail.com        Tel: +86-21-34206919

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