Food Chemistry and Nutrition

一、 Research Fields
Food Chemistry (including functional macromolecule of foods, as well as separation and extraction, structural characterization, function, mechanism, and safety evaluation for bioactive components of foods, and studies of processing techniques for novel functional foods), food nutrition


Zhengwu Wang


Pu Jing


Shimin Wu


Dayun Zhao


Yi Sheng


Zhongquan Sui


Jinghong Wu


Yuge niu


Weiying Lu


三、 Research Achievement
Our research division received support from National and Provincial research funds including Department of Science, National Science Foundation, Shanghai Science Foundation, and established cooperative relationship to many companies. We have established research platform of functional foods, food colloids and colorants on stabilization, bioactivity, structure-activity relationship. Besides, the quality control of foods and reusable wastes of food processing, lipids, traditional and special oils, natural spices, and development of analytical science for foods were also studied. During 2012-2016, we published over 100 SCI research papers, 10 research books and textbooks, filed and granted 20 more patents, publish 3 standards. Many graduate students have granted national, enterprise and special scholarships.


Copyright © | Bor S. Luh Food Safety Research Center  of Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2015