HACCP Train the Trainer Program


Train the trainer course is a training program cooperated by GMA Science Education Foundation and SJTU Bor S.Luh Food Safety Center. The program builds the capacity among processors and suppliers to help them meet the requirements of international and national food safety standards and to improve access to domestic and export markets. The starting point is to introduce the basic HACCP requirements through intensive training of staff in an individual company followed by careful monitoring and mentoring over 12-18 months, to move from basic food safety practices to full compliance with international standards.  Although the food safety training will be focused on scaling up SME and supplier capacity to meet food safety requirements, the essential content is based on international standards of CODEX and, as such, training programs will also include government inspectors, regulators and academia.

Improve food safety outcomes for small and medium enterprise suppliers in China through a sustainable business model.





Copyright © | Bor S. Luh Food Safety Research Center  of Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2015