IHA Basic HACCP Training Program
The International HACCP Alliance's primary mission is to provide standardized educational programs which facilitate the implementation of farm-to-table HACCP systems to ensure safer meat, poultry and food products. To achieve its mission, the Alliance established HACCP training program criteria and standards for program accreditation. Training entities conducting Alliance approved courses will be eligible to receive accreditation from the Alliance to help ensure standardization among courses. Accreditation will ensure participants that the training program has been reviewed and meets the requirements of the Alliance.
Candidates who successfully complete an accredited HACCP training program will receive a Certificate of Completion from the training entity displaying the Alliance Seal which indicates Alliance accreditation. The Alliance will keep records of all people who complete HACCP courses taught by an accredited program.
This is an industry sponsored program of process control and its objective is to prevent food safety problems from occurring through uniform and consistent training. The final test is to establish an industry HACCP plan.