Summer Lecture on Food Safety in Huaping Primary School

CreateTime:2017-07-05 Count:1595

On the morning of June 30, 2017, during the 7th China Food Safety Publicity Week, Bor S. Luh Food Safety Research Center went hand in hand with Jiangchuan Road Sub-district Office to Huaping Primary School to hold a summer lecture on food safety to more than 100 pupils in Grade 5. Fu Weiyan from the Center, Yang Xiaofei, Hu Taozhu and Meili Wunierbieke from Zhigeng Nongyuan Science & Technology Association participated in the activity.  



In the activity, Yang Xiaofei gave a lecture integrating knowledge and practice to the children with “food safety in summer vacation” as the theme. Yang Xiaofei took the food safety incidents which took place in recent years such as illegal cooking oil, tainted steamed buns as the start, gave a lecture to the children in terms of the issues on food safety and nutrition required to be noted in daily life, explained several kinds of common sources of harm in food in popular and easy-to-understand language, and guided the children to learn how to identify sources of harm in food safety through Q&A. Besides, knowledge about food additives were also popularized in the lecture. Finally the children were taught “the correct method of hand washing in seven steps”. In the classroom, the children listened to the lecture attentively, actively answered questions, and formed very warm atmosphere. Fu Weiyan also prepared the picture book Journey to Earth Kitchen provided by China Children and Teenagers Foundation, and distributed them to the children.


After the lecture came to an end, the school leaders and teachers all felt satisfied about the education activities. They said that not only students but also teachers benefited a lot, and wish that more activities to popularize scientific knowledge could be organized by the Center in primary schools. We also expect to carry out similar activities in the future as always. Hopefully, people from all walks of life could pay more attention to children’s food safety, and make contributions to children’s healthy growth.

Written by Meli Wunierbieke
Photographed by Hu Taozhu

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