Bor S. Luh Center Joined International Featured Standards China Working Group

CreateTime:2018-03-03 Count:998

IFS (International Featured Standards) is one of the popular international standards over the world. The organization has being dedicated to the development of food safety and quality standard in China for a long time. To maintain effective cooperation and intense communication with Chinese experts, the organization establishes Chinese National Working Group so that more Chinese native experts will involve in the formulation and revision of IFS standards.


IFS Chinese National Working Group Kick-off meeting was held in IFS Asia Office – Metro HQ on Mar 1st, 2018. The working group was formed by more than ten senior experts from manufacturing industry, retail operations, audit companies, E-commerce operations and university. The deputy director of Bor S. Luh Food Safety Center, Dr. Yue Jin, as one of the group members, participated the meeting.   



The Meeting was hosted by Bruno Séchet, IFS Technical Director & Leader of IFS French office. He gave an overview of the IFS Standards, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the National Working Group. He then awarded the Letter of Appointment to the working group members.



The working group had a deep discussion about the development of IFS food safety and quality standard in China. As food safety has been paid more and more attention, the working group will make great efforts to improve the IFS standards in China.



Written by Yue Jin

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